Academic responsabilities
- Since 2022: co-head of the Master’s degree in Geomatics SIGMA
- Since 2017: head of the 3rd year program in AgroGeomatics (engineering degree) at INP-ENSAT
- Since 2017: resp. of the international student exchange programs with the Belgian universities
- Since 2015: board member of the Engineering and Numerical Sciences depart. at INP-ENSAT
- Since 2010: steering commitee member of the Master’s program in Geomatics SIGMA
Engineering degree (Toulouse INP-ENSAT):
- 1st year:
- Since 2006 : Introduction to GIS, UE MI-2 (Mathematics and Computer Sciences II, S6)
- Class (4h) and Lab. (6x6h)
- Since 2008 : Tutored industrial projects.
- 1st part (5h)
- Since 2006 : Introduction to GIS, UE MI-2 (Mathematics and Computer Sciences II, S6)
- 2nd year:
- Since 2006 : Advanced GIS and Spatial Analysis, Pre-specialization module (S8)
- Lab. (2x18h)
- From 2006 to 2010 : Remote Sensing and image analysis, Pre-specialization module (S8)
- Class and Lab. (1x30h)
- Since 2010 : Agent-based modelling, Pre-specialization module (S8)
- Class (3h)
- Since 2008 : Tutored industrial projects.
- 2nd part (15h)
- Since 2006 : Advanced GIS and Spatial Analysis, Pre-specialization module (S8)
- 3rd year:
- Since 2006 : GIS and Remote Sensing integration for environmental applications
- Specialization in Agro-ecology, environment and territories (AGREST)
- Full-time project (3 weeks)
- Since 2006 : GIS-based soil erosion modelling
- Specialization in Environmental quality and resource management (QEGR)
- Full-time project (25h)
- Since 2006 : End of degree internship advisory
- Specializations: AgroGeomatics, QEGR, AGREST, EBEN
- Since 2006 : GIS and Remote Sensing integration for environmental applications
Engineering degree (Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT):
- 3rd year:
- Since 2006 : Digital Terrain Modelling and spatial interpolation methods
- Specialization in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering (3HY SEE, GE)
- Class (2h) and Lab. (2x10h)
- Since 2006 : Digital Terrain Modelling and spatial interpolation methods
Master degree SIGMA (Toulouse INP-ENSAT / UT2J)
- coupled with the the 3rd year of Engineering degree in AgroGeomatics:
- Since 2006 : Spatial analysis in GIS
- Lab. (16h)
- Since 2016 : Statistical analysis of spatial data using R
- Lab. (16h)
- Since 2013 : Unified Modelling Language (UML): a short introduction
- Class (2h)
- Since 2007 : Spatial data quality
- Class (2h)
- Since 2011 : Introduction to research methodology
- Class, lab and conferences (25h)
- Since 2006 : Project in RS or GIS
- Full-time project (5 weeks)
- Since 2006 : End of degree internship advisory
- Since 2006 : Spatial analysis in GIS
Master degree Eco-Engineering (Toulouse INP)
- Since 2014 : Modelling and simulating complex systems
- Class (4h) and Lab. (10h)
- Since 2014 : Modelling and simulating complex systems
Student Advisees
Pedagogical projects (Master degree SIGMA)
- A. Defossez, G. Marquès (2021), Potentialité des séries temporelles d’images Sentinel-2 pour la cartographie de la végétation en milieu urbain et périurbain, 6 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : M. Lang (UMR DYNAFOR).
- U. Duviau, A. Fontaine, F. Torreira (2021), Analyse de la dynamique spatiale et temporelle des étangs du PNR de la Brenne à partir d’images satellitaires Sentinel-2, 6 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : M. Lang (UMR DYNAFOR).
- B. Palau, Q. Vigneron (2018), Le démélange : détection de plusieurs essences forestières dans un même pixel, 6 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : N. Karasiak (UMR DYNAFOR).
- S. Georges, F. Seree (2017), Détection de changements à partir de MNS historiques : application aux espaces forestiers, 6 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : S. Giordano (IGN / MATIS).
- A. Greco, E. Munesa (2017), Evaluation de l’outil de télédétection Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) en entreprise, 6 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : M. Fauvel (UMR DYNAFOR) + EGIS Environnement
- M. Boudeau, S. Mendizabal (2016), Cartographie des forêts anciennes sur le territoire du SICOVAL, 5 weeks project.
- F. Bouge, A. Mayis (2014), Analyse des potentialités de l’imagerie hyperspectrale dans la discrimination des espèces arborées en zone tempérée, projet du Master 2 SIGMA, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : M. Fauvel (UMR DYNAFOR).
- K. Gouerec, P. Loussert (2014), Interface IDL/ENVI pour la détection d’objets dans les cartes anciennes, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisors : M. Fauvel et P.-A. Herrault (UMR DYNAFOR).
- J. Albetis, B. Cautain, M. Lamare (2013), Exploitation de mesures spectro-radiométriques pour estimer la composition chimique de prairies de montagne, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : M. Fauvel (UMR DYNAFOR).
- S. Guerin, S. Pigourier, S. Singer (2013), Reconstitution 3D du castrum de Fourquevaux de 1497 à nos jours, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : C. Monteil (UMR DYNAFOR).
- A. Bozza, M. Guerecheau, E. Stancioff (2012), Etude des modèles de transformations géométriques pour le géoréférencement de cartes anciennes, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : P.-A. Herrault (UMR DYNAFOR).
- B. Balizet, B. Tual (2010), Cartographie de l’occupation du sol d’un paysage agricole (canton d’Aurignac) et analyse de son évolution pour l’identification des rotations culturales, 5 weeks project.
- D. Donner, L. Clement (2010), Extraction automatique des haies et fragments boisés au sein d’un paysage agricole du Gers à partir de photographies IR numériques, 5 weeks project.
- L. Caralp, F. Pennec, Y. Pourcelot (2009), Visualisation de dynamiques spatiales sous Google Earth, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : C. Monteil (UMR DYNAFOR).
- J.-B. Monteignies, S. Toillis (2009), Evaluation des données SPOT-5 pour la caractérisation des zones humides riveraines de la Garonne, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : J.-P. Lacombe (UMR DYNAFOR).
- M. Labarthe, M. Iskandar (2008), Gestion de données historiques géoréférencées d’exploitations agricoles couplant SIG et SGBD, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : M. Souques (ENSAT).
- L. Chamaille, F. Roussel, E. Vintrou (2008), Etude de la retenue de Malause et de ses environs : cartographie bathymétrique et classification, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : J.-P. Lacombe (UMR DYNAFOR).
- J. Silva Cruz, V. Tep (2008), Identification des types de couverts végétaux de la forêt de Fabas à partir d’images SPOT-5, 5 weeks project.
- Co-advisor : J.-P. Lacombe (UMR DYNAFOR).
- S. Coste, C. Deneu-Casanova, G. Voeltzel, V. Robbe (2007), Classification orientée-objet d’une image satellitaire THRS sur le littoral normand, 5 weeks project.