DYNAFOR is 15 years old!

We spent a nice meeting last tuesday with all members of DYNAFOR to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the laboratory. G. Balent, the lab’s founder (recently retired!), started the meeting with a presentation about the genesis of the group and the research questions associated at startup in 2003. M. Deconchat, our last director, made a quick review of our activities conducted for 15 years. We finished the morning meeting by a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to prepare the next years. After lunch, an “agri-escape ecolo-game” was organized at the Ferme du Matet by Lucie and Virgine (two past PhD students). Finally, the day ended at the village of St AndrĂ© with our local partners and farmers around our exhibition and drinks!